Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Ingredients of Enthusiasm: An Inquiry

In the past, the thing that has made me the most enthusiastic about learning is the discovery of an entirely new sea of information that I am unfamiliar with. An example that best explains this is the enthusiasm I had (and still have... for now) about lifting weights and becoming the strongest version of myself. I am very new to lifting weights, as you can easily tell by my lanky 6 foot 5 frame, but it is something i am really enthusiastic about. Ever since i began getting "huge", I find myself constantly researching new exercises, watching instructional videos online, and asking people I know about lifting. This desire to learn was most likely because weight lifting is something that I enjoy. I believe that for the enthusiasm to learn to be present, students must care about what they're learning about and have it be a passion of theirs.

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